Welcome wanderer, time for an online riddle…

You have stumbled upon the greatest online riddle since the advent of the internet. Yes, of all time, that is! …Possibly, at least…

The journey you are about to embark on is laced with mysteries, riddles and oddities. Be aware, that this is probably the hardest riddle available online. But know that it was carefully designed, so that you gradually learn how to solve the tasks awaiting you.

Probably the best thing is, it is

100% free to play!

The tutorial stages can be played without registration. If you then choose to continue, you can compete against other players and see who has solved individual levels fastest, who has progressed the furthest and many more thrilling stats.

But more importantly, creating an account gives you access to a thrilling storyline and (currently) over 100 mindboggling levels that are designed to make you sweat. But more importantly, it enables you to save your progress and continue playing another day. We do not send out advertisements, newsletters or any other junk, pinky-promise!

Should you ever get stuck – ask a friend – a fresh look at the problem, a different perspective, might just be enough to solve the puzzle.

Ok, ok… If your friends are also stuck, take a look at the forums and seek help there. The community is more than willing to help you out without spoiling the fun.

Kind regards,

Mr. Gyp, Actor